A Better Way, Inc.


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Audiences Served

  • Youth

Contact information

3200 Adeline Street
Berkeley, CA 94703
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A Better Way is a San Francisco Bay Area 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides the highest quality services to children in - or at risk of entering - foster care, and their families, with the goal of establishing loving and lasting relationships. Our dedicated staff empowers children and families to develop the insights, life skills, and permanent relationships that promote their social, emotional, and economic well-being.



A Better Way offers expert, trauma-informed Behavioral Health Services to some of the Bay Area’s most vulnerable children, youth and families. We are dedicated to serving children and youth who are in – or at risk of entering - foster care. Our support, treatment and parent training helps these families overcome the impact of poverty, community violence, mental health problems, addictive illness and patterns of child abuse and neglect that put their children at risk. All of our services are designed to heal children, improve care-giving relationships, and increase families’ self-sufficiency.

​​A Better Way’s Behavioral Health teams are made up of Therapists, Family Partners and Behavioral Intervention Specialists - all highly skilled professionals with advanced training in Evidence Based and Evidence Informed Practices:

  • Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT)
  • Attachment Regulation & Competency (ARC)
  • Facilitating Attuned iNteractions (FAN)
  • Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP)
  • Trauma Focused-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)
  • Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS)

Therapists offer family-centered, strengths- based counseling to help families develop the insights, communication skills, and behaviors that will help them reach their goals. Family Partners are members of the team who have personal experience advocating for their child within the educational, mental health, developmental or legal system. Family Partners help parents feel welcomed and supported, connect them with resources, and inspire them toward their very best. Behavioral Intervention Specialists offer innovative and highly effective treatment to support children to develop regulatory skills, effective communication skills, impulse control skills and social skills.



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Accepts Insurance
Accepted Insurance Plans:
  • MediCal
Areas of Expertise
  • Parenting Issues
  • Trauma
  • Youth

Types of Services

  • Case Management
  • Crisis Intervention