Mental Health

What Does Depression Feel Like?


The experience of depression isn’t the same for everyone. There are a range of possible experiences you can have if you live with depression — sadness is not the only symptom.

No matter how you feel right now, it’s valid and real. And it doesn’t have to be permanent. Support is available to help you get through it.

Depression is a very personal experience and each person can show their symptoms differently. In general, a healthcare professional may diagnose depression if they identify several 'typical' symptoms that have been present for at least 2 weeks. These are include:

  • low mood

  • loss of interest in activities

  • hopelessness

  • fatigue

  • changes in functioning

  • sleep disruptions

  • eating more of less

  • irritability

  • thoughts of self-harm


What does depression feel like?

There are many possible ways to experience depression symptoms, depending on your age and particular circumstances.

These are some ways that common symptoms of depression may feel:

  • Like there's nothing to hope for

  • Like everything is upsetting

  • Like sleeping too much

  • Like crying often without a reason

  • Like no longer knowing who you are or what you like

  • Like not being able to get out of bed

  • Like not getting anything done

  • Like body aches

It's important to recognize if you may be experiencing depression . Remember that you are not alone and help is available right now: