Mind & Body

How To Create A Calming Space

Your physical environment can affect your mood. Your space can help you feel centered and peaceful, but messy and unorganized spaces can cause anxiety even in the best of times. When times get stressful, an unwelcoming space can make those feelings worse.

Finding ways to mix up your space can help improve your mood. Here are some tips to consider:

  • Get Focused.
    Pick where you want to focus your efforts. How much space do you have? Do you have an entire room? A corner? Or maybe just a bed? Once you know the area you’re working with, you’ll be better able to make adjustments.

  • Consider colors that make you happy. 
    Are there colors that fill you with joy? Think about colors that put you in a good mental space. Once you’ve picked them out, get creative about how you can bring them into your space. Can you paint the walls? Maybe add art or posters? If you can’t make major changes to your living space, can you collect objects that incorporate your favorite color, like furniture, blankets, or pillows?

  • Find textures that help you relax. 
    Certain textures and fabrics help us relax instantly while others do the opposite. Would you rather sleep on a soft feathery surface or sandpaper? Try out different combinations and see what you like best. If you find the right combo, you might feel your muscles relax right away!

  • Use scents to refresh the vibe.
    Smells are a very personal thing. Some people love perfume, and some people hate it. If you’re someone who enjoys scents and feel that they help you relax, explore what you like best. Essential oils, which are made from plant extracts, are great for supporting health and well-being.

  • Think about your possessions.
    Which objects make you feel good? Do you have photos of family and friends that bring a smile to your face and put you in a good mental space? Or maybe you have a toy or object you like, such as a blanket or a stress ball. Find a few of your favorite things and keep them visible and accessible so they are easily available when you want them.

    Put things away that you don’t need every day. We want to be thoughtful about what we are choosing to keep in our space. If you have piles or stacks of things you never use, that’s not only creating a cluttered environment but also taking space away from something you could really enjoy. As you are reviewing what you have in your space, ask if it makes you happy and/or serves a purpose. If the answer is no to both, consider boxing it up and packing it away for the time being.

In the end, remember that this is a process! It takes time to figure out what you like and what works for you, not to mention the time it takes to organize and try out different styles. Hopefully, the act of exploring is just as fun as the moment you finish your final space creation.