Mental Health

Learning How To Navigate Change

Life is full of changes

All the life changes can create big feelings of stress and anxiety , but you can ease these feelings by creating “foundations” that set yourself up for success. Foundations are built by finding ways to keep as much of your life as consistent as possible and limit the stress of outside forces.

Where to start

Start with the basics, things like eating normally, waking up at your usual time, and keeping your daily routines as consistent as possible. It might seem boring, but creating a routine can help keep emotional and physical stability when life gets hard.

Create time in your life to enjoy the things you like. This not only allows you emotional rest from focusing on the events happening around you, but also gives you a hit of healthy chemicals in the brain!

Tips for healthy coping

What can you do? Anything that you enjoy, feels good, and gives you a sense of comfort. Pick something (or a few things) you have enjoyed, and dive into them. 

For example:

  • Put your favorite playlist on repeat
  • Read one of your favorite books again – or try out the audio version and listen while you go for a walk
  • Make a favorite snack to enjoy while you watch a show you love

Keeping a sense of calm and comfort in your life is a great way to manage stress when life’s craziness sets in – building and practicing these healthy and positive foundations will help you feel grounded. When you are grounded, you are more likely to feel safe exploring the feelings that life has brought with it. Exploring these feelings is the starting point of learning how to cope and asking for help if you need it.