Mind & Body

Dealing with Panic Attacks


Anxiety is a normal thing that a lot of people experience. If you're experiencing anxiety and your heart starts beating really fast and it feels like you can't breathe - you are likely having a panic attack. The good news is there are things you can do to reduce how bad it feels and in some cases, even stop it before it happens.


What does a panic attack feel like?


Here are three ways to handle a panic attack the next time you feel one coming on


1. Take slow, deep breaths

The key is breathing slowly, which helps slow your heart rate and naturally calms all of the body's systems. Try to make your breath out slow, steady and gentle, and breathe out until the last drop of breath is released.


2. Labeling thoughts and sensations


A simple technique from from mindfulness -based therapies is to be aware of anxious thoughts as they arise, and mentally label them as 'thinking' and when uncomfortable physical sensations arise in the body to label them as 'feeling'.


3. Grounding techniques

Grounding techniques can give you something to focus on during a panic attack. Ground techniques refer to practices that help you be more present in the moment. The point is to get your brain to focus on a physical sensation other than the symptoms of the panic attack. For example you can:

  • Press your feet down

  • Stretch and massage your muscles.

  • Slowly cross your legs or arms and notice the control you have over your body.

  • Identify as many colors around you as possible.


When to Get Support

For some, especially those with a history of trauma , anxiety may be a daily occurrence. If you are experiencing anxiety or panic, you can get help. Try talking to a professional mental health counselor who can give you tools for managing and working through your anxiety